Dong Ruixiang
安徒生国际幼儿师范学院 院长
Dean of
Andersen International Kindergarten College of Denmark
Dear Committee Member of Yidan Prize,
How are you!
I am Dong Ruixiang, a Chinese who established Andersen International Kindergarten College of Denmark.
I notice that many Chinese who travel in Denmark snap up the milk powder in supermarkets. The melamine incident in Sanlu company's milk powder in 2008 scared we Chinese. People even turn pale at the incident so far.
The changes in Chinese social relations are illustrated through hundred-year-history of Tsinghua University by the movie Forever Young.Chinese people used to be naive and adorable in the Republic of China, be united and intimate during the Japanese invasion of China, be harmful and hurtful in the great proletarian cultural revolution, and be unconcerned and distrustful when it comes to the commercial society now, which is virulent for the social and cultural fields just like the melamine in milk powder.
Here is indeed a paradise where it is peaceful, harmonious and possesses the unique education philosophy when I first bumped into Denmark.That’s why I established Andersen International Kindergarten College in Nordfyns Denmark, where is also the hometown of H. C. Andersen, to train the first teachers of the citizens for the future world. In the meanwhile Danish milk powder was purchased by Chinese tourists.
Be open to learning is a major cause of social progress in modern China.
In 1906, Ming Nupu,an American proposed to President Roosevelt to set up the Tsing Hua preparatory school in Beijing with the "Boxer Indemnity" of the Qing government. By 1929, 1800 students had received funding to study in the United States, whose majors were science, engineering, agriculture, and medicine science, which laid the foundation of modern Chinese science.
2,000,000 overseas students have prompted China to be the second largest economy in the world since Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up.
It is regrettable that there is hardly any oversees student who focuses on early childhood education in this wave of studying abroad similar to what happened in 1920s for people don’t realize the importance of preschool educators yet.
Early childhood education concerns both children's healthy development by activating their thinking creativity and social harmony,world peace as well. Preschool education is most defined to shape national character and quality, to inject the goodness and beauty into life, to sow seeds of modern civilization.
在丹麦菲茵岛上,我带着首届“一丹教育发展奖”获得者Vicky Colbert教授说的那样一种具有号召力的道德使命与一群有着教育情怀的人们做起了安徒生国际幼师教育,培训现代文明的播种人。
With the same appealing moral imperative as Professor Vicky Colbert, the first Yidan Education Development Award winner, I and a group of people who have sentiments of education have undertaken the career of Andersen International Kindergarten College in Funen Denmark. Moreover it will be extended to be the training base of world early childhood educators where we train the seeders of modern civilization here.
Supported by the first donation of 2 million yuan from the Laoniu foundation,the simple and effective method of experiential learning has been recognized by the educators since 2017. Li Zhenxi, Zhang Yan, Yang Dongping, Yu Yongping and other educationists have attended the course of Andersen International Kindergarten College and began to vigorously promote the superior Danish education philosophy. Educationist Zhu Yongxin and child education expert Yin Jianli are supposed to join us in the near future. Li Jing, Li Zhengjun, Wang Hongdi, Wang Yanfang, Guo Mingxiao, and Huai Liang, a large number of teachers who work in front-line kindergartens and primary school have also entered the Andersen fairy tale world, bringing outstanding Danish education concept to their own students.
与我们百年来“中学为体、西学为用”留学思想不同的是,日本近代教育家福泽谕吉于1885年发表的《脱亚入欧论》中则主张日本全方位学习西方现代文明 <http://baike.baidu.com/view/1820614.htm>,棋高一招。到了21世纪的今天,已经发达起来的日本依然很谦虚。2017年6月,日本皇太子德仁访问丹麦并莅临北菲茵学院(我们的合作学院)进行考察,摩根校长给他讲解了北菲茵学院所采用的19世纪丹麦著名教育家格隆维(N.F.S.Grundtvig)办校理念后,德仁说格隆维的教育理念与方法是诊治目前日本社会问题的一剂有效良方。现在,北菲茵学院创始人千叶忠夫已经开始在日本组建格隆维理念的学校。
Different from our hundred-year-idea of "traditional Chinese values aided with modern Western ideology" , Fukuzawa Yoshi, a modern Japanese educator , advocated a fully study of the modern civilization of the West in Japan in 1885. Japan, which has already developed, is still modest by twenty-first century . In June 2017, the Japanese Crown Prince Norihito visited Denmark and was on a tour of investigation in Nordfyns College (our cooperation party). He said Grundtvig's educational philosophy and methods are the best prescription in terms of current Japanese social problems after President Morgan’s explanation of Nordfyns College adopting Grundtvig’s theory to be the educational idea in nineteenth century. Now, Chiba Tadao, the founder of the Nordfyns College, has begun to set up Grundtvig’s public schools in Japan.
The key words of Grundtvig's educational philosophy are: equality, freedom, trust, respect, social responsibility, volunteer spirit, easy way of life, open and inclusive attitude.
Grundtvig's educational philosophy is an important ideological basis for cultivating qualified citizens, bringing happiness and leading to social harmony.
Andersen's fairy tale world is an important factor that breeds Danish imagination, creativity and affection.
曾经在美国一家格隆维学院学习过的美国黑人民权运动领袖马丁· 路德· 金说:“一个国家的繁荣,不取决于她的国库之殷实,不取决于她的城堡之坚固,也不取决于她的公共设施之华丽;而取决于公民的文明素养,以及人民所受的教育,人民的远见卓识和品格的高下。这才是真正的利害所在,真正的力量所在”。
"The prosperity of a country neither depends on the wealthiness of her national treasury, the firmness of her castle, nor the magnificence of her public facilities, but the civility of its citizens, as well as the education of its citizens. People’s vision and character is the real interest and the real strength." said Martin Ruud Kim, a former leader of the black civil rights movement, who had studied in an American college of Grundtvig's educational philosophy.
At present, there are many kinds of chaos in China due to many reasons, but the awful education has to be responsible for it.
Looking at the other end of the earth, the fairy-tale-liked kingdom of Denmark gives us the hope that the Danes have spent their childhood in a relaxed and joyful environment. They are strong physically and abundant emotionally, they are full of love and with the highest happiness index worldwide, they are active in thinking and with a strong creation,they abide by the rules <http://dict.youdao.com/w/abidance by the rules/>.With a population of only about 5000000 of Denmark, there are already 13 Nobel prize winners. All walks of life are well-developed, and world-famous brands are everywhere.
Mr. Chen Yidan, the founder of Yidan Prize has concerned about the challenges facing the world today in the field of education and committed to finding solutions.
It is an effective way to solve the problems of Chinese education if we bring back the worthy educational concepts and methods of Denmark.
Obama used to say, “To teach with the subject to enlightment,not to teach in the subject.”
The essence of education is to deliver kindness and goodness.Learning of confidence,devotion, mutual help, and the social responsibility of citizens is more important than just learning some skills in the process of learning. Andersen International Kindergarten College of Denmark is the place to train Chinese preschool teachers with Grundtvig's educational concept to experience the beauty of the education in order to undertake the education career which is conducive to world peace, social harmony and personal happiness.
Education is an interactive process that requires face-to-face
experience.Only be on the scene <http://dict.youdao.com/w/be personally on the scene/> personally, can comprehend the essences.
安幼老师Lisa Van在课堂里讲了一个“安慰鱼”的故事:在她的游戏中,有一个孩子不愿意参与游戏,于是,她就让这个孩子来照顾这条小鱼,于无声处,孩子得到了尊重,感觉不孤单,还产生了一种责任感。
Lisa Van, the teacher of Andersen International Kindergarten College of Denmark , told a story of "comforting fish" in her classroom: A child who did not want to participate in the game during her class was asked to take care of the little puppet fish.Consequently the child was respected, accepted, and responsible.
Sun Qing, a trainee of Andersen International Kindergarten College of Denmark, wrote in an article: I was still on the surface of learning the Danish model of early childhood education till the comforting fish appears which gives me the deepest impact that the fish itself is the truth of the success of Danish education. The meaning of "comforting fish" has gone far beyond the educational tools, but a symbol of understanding and accepting the child who is in the mood and different from others.
Johansen, a Danish interviewed Mr. Li Zhenxi that what kind of impact will Andersen International Kindergarten College of Denmark have for Chinese children?
Mr. Li replied, "I am on my tour to be a guest expert in the" Laoniu China Kindergarten Teachers’ Training Project ". I do believe this is a great project. I would like to express my sincere respect to Mr. Dong Ruixiang, the founder of the project, whom I don't know before. I admire his greatness to make his dream come true when I got to know this project, especially after coming to Denmark. This dream starts from the kindergarten teachers who will change Chinese education bit by bit, furthermore it makes a possibility for the progress of whole Chinese society. The hope of a country is in education, which should begins at the beginning of the kindergarten education and pays much more attention to education concept, professional ability and comprehensive quality of the preschool teachers. A change of a teacher means a change of whole class. A change of a director represents a change of whole kindergarten. Little by little,the point is this process has been irreversible and practising.
Li Zhenxi, with hundreds of thousands of WeChat fans, raises a tremendous response in the education circle after the publication of a series articles introducing Andersen International Kindergarten College, inspiring the passion of a lot of teachers to study the Danish educational philosophy.
Up to now,the project of Andersen International Kindergarten College has special reported by Danish national television channel 2 three times,full- coverage reported by Denmark Nordfyns newspaper three times, interviewed by European GBtime. Li Pan of CCTV, Zhong Qing of China International Radio, Li Xinling of China Youth Daily, Kang Li of Chinese teachers' newspaper, Wang Fei of readers, and Meng Xianming, the famous writer of children's literature, are also spreading the idea of Danish education in different ways. The Secretariat of "China Education 30 people forum" will come to Andersen International Kindergarten College to study on the education philosophy of Grundtvig and Andersen in August 2018.
I have participated in many domestic educational training, that provinces learn from each other generally, just like the water flow which is not big enough to generate electricity.
It literally says that the unique educational perspective and educational practice of Andersen International Kindergarten College which transcends the general level of education and training have triggered a learning movement in the Chinese preschool world, which will lead to a revolutionary change in the philosophy of Chinese preschool education.
At present, the value of Andersen, the first Danish brand in literature and tourism, has been developed to the greatest extent. I am the first person to propose the concept of "Andersen’s education value" and began the related transnational education practice,which has been interest- arousing and highly valued by Danish government, institutions, media and some private citizens.

前丹麦王妃文雅丽走上了安徒生国际幼儿师范学院的讲台并成了安幼事业的守护者。丹麦羽毛球冠军安赛龙将成为安幼的形象代言人。丹麦儿童与社会部司长Sofie Bislev女士与中国教育家杨东平以及CCTV《读书》栏目主持人李潘开展了一次中丹教育对话,给中国教育带来了许多启发。刚退休的丹麦文化部长助理Lars先生成了我们的常聘教师,安徒生文学奖创始人Benny Nybo先生自愿成为安幼教师,北菲茵市市长Andersen先生多次走上安幼讲台与来自中国的学员分享他的从政理念,还有一大批丹麦各界人士看到了安徒生国际幼儿师范学院这个平台巨大的社会价值,纷纷给我们来信,希望参与到安幼事业的发展中。
The former Danish Princess Wen Yali went to the platform of Andersen International Kindergarten College and became the guardian of our career. Danish badminton champion Anton lung also expressed his willingness to become an image spokesman for Andersen International Kindergarten College. Ms. Sofie Bislev, director of the Danish Ministry of children and society,brought a lot of inspiration to Chinese education in the dialogue with Yang Dongping, an educator of China, and Li Pan, the host of the CCTV "reading" program. Mr. Lars, the newly retired assistant of Danish Minister of culture, became our regular teacher. Mr. Benny Nybo, the founder of the Andersen prize for literature, volunteered to be our teacher. Mr. Andersen, the mayor of Nordfyns, went to share his political ideas with the students from China. And a large number of Danish people who noticed the great social value of the Andersen International Kindergarten College has sent us letters and hopes to be the partners of our career.
I dare to ask the committee of Yidan Education Development Award by referring the practice of the American Arthur Henderson Smith with the same "growth mentality" proposed by the first "Yidan Education Research Award" winner Professor Dweck to award 2000 outstanding Chinese preschool teachers through the medium of "Dong Ruixiang" ,which will blow up a prairie fire of the reform of the Chinese preschool education, and moreover turn the attention of the Chinese people from purchasing Danish milk powder to fostering the world citizenship to make human civilization blossom and fruit in China.
Everyone has talked about the "Chinese dream" in the past few years. I believe the "Chinese dream" should not be a dream of isolation and arrogance , but a dream of integrating into the process of world civilization. There is no difference in civilizations between the east and the west, only advanced and backward. It is an important way for China to move towards modern civilization by learning from Denmark, the most harmonious country in the world.
Andersen International Kindergarten College which pursues the international education, cultivates the world citizens with international vision.It will become a landmark event if the connection between Yidan and Andersen International Kindergarten College is make.We will invite ten famous Chinese educationists, such as Yang Dongping and Li Zhenxi, to look for 1000 outstanding preschool teachers and 1000 students studying in the well-regarded normal university throughout the country, who will be financed into Andersen's fairy tale world in five years after we win the Yidan Education development award.
1800 students of overseas study using the remission of the boxer indemnity had laid the foundation for the development of China's science and technology at the beginning of the last century. Meanwhile the 2000 Yidan preschool teachers in this century will illuminate the road ahead of the Chinese people by the flame of human modern civilization, benefit the later generations of the traditional China, and compose more new fairy tales to make more Chinese children to become the citizens of international vision and sense.
The Nobel prize, which is full of wisdom and strength, has made the world stronger over the past 100 years.
The Yidan prize,which is like a lighthouse will contribute to qualified education leading the world forward in a better direction.Your historical contribution is no less than Mr. Nobel.
We, who are with fairy tale liked dream, holding high the banner of Andersen, undertake the good causes in education steadfastly which will bring social change and progress. Under the guidance of this education philosophy, we select to incorporate with you the great public welfare Ambassador naturally to serve the community and create benefits for human beings in a higher level..
I can tell the importance of the concept and practice of Danish preschool applying to the healthy growth and intellectual development of Chinese children.I can also foresee that many Chinese preschool teachers will bring fairness, justice, freedom, democracy, legal institution, philanthropism, human rights to China spreading out in the hearts of the children after they opening up their vision, increasing their knowledge and accepting the baptism of the human civilization to contribute themselves to the progress of Chinese society and the world peace silently and naturally. This is an effective method of raising the quality of the Chinese nation in twenty-first Century.
I was concerned about the point which may be ignored by others, so I wrote you this letter of self-recommendation.
It realizes the small value of personal life when Fan Jin passes the provincial civil service examination <http://www.youdao.com/w/pass the provincial civil service examination/>. To the contrary, it will improve the happiness index of hundreds of millions of Chinese children and promote the progress of Chinese society and world peace, if Dong Ruixiang and the 2000 Chinese early childhood educators win the Yidan Education Development Award, just like the leverage.
This is why I dare to recommend myself for the education development award of Yidan.
According to Zhang Yan, Professor of Beijing Normal University and others, business operation pattern is still leading the development trend of preschool education industry presently. After learning and returning from Denmark, Yangdong Ping has praised highly in the plain educational concept of Danish people. It will be effective if Yidan Education Development Award supports our career at this critical moment.
Andersen International Kindergarten College must not dishonour the important task!
I do believe that foresighted Yidan Education Development Award Committee will also see the unique value of our career to support it growing from a small tree to a forest.
To sum up the great social value of the Yidan education development award conferring to Andersen International Kindergarten College:
To the world: We learn and spread the Danish concept of harmony to contribute to the world peace;
To China: We enhance children's sense of happiness, and narrow the distance between Chinese and world civilization;
To Denmark: We explore the educational value of Andersen brand.
To Yidan Prize: We demonstrate the unique and higher education pattern of Yidan Prize;
To Andersen International Kindergarten College: We have done something with great social value, and make our own life valuable!
You devote yourself to qualified education and benefit people all over the world with a heart of pure loyalty.
Hopefully you and we will make up the fairy tales in Fyns to express our overheated attempts to the world.
致敬 !
2018年6月1日儿童节 敬上